Honeybees & Roadway Moving Commercial


I have once again neglected updating this blog for several months! So much has happened since my last entry in April. I got vaccinated against COVID-19, huzzah! I am still trying to do my part in fighting the virus by limiting my social activities and wearing a mask indoors and all that, but it's still a great relief to be vaccinated. Please do your part too! Get vaccinated and WEAR A MASK!!!
In July, I was one of the playwrights in the PGE's 16th First Reads Festival and got a Zoom reading of my play Honeybees. It was great and very helpful to get some feedback & insights on my play. And now you can read the current draft on New Play Exchange! Here's a picture of me with my lovely cast for the reading:

And  the same week we were rehearsing for the reading of Honeybees, I was filming a commercial! It was super fun, I just got to lay on a couch and pop bubblewrap! And get paid to do that! You can watch the Roadway Moving commercial here


This Encounter May Now Begin YouTube Live Reading


Busy Busy Busy